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Leigh-on-Sea Town Council 1996

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Signposting Support

This page contains helpful information about:  

  • Cost of Living Support
  • Warm Space Hubs
  • Council Tax Issues
  • Mental Health Helplines for Adults and Children 
  • Domestic Abuse Advice
  • Midlife MOT

Cost of Living Support

Southend-on-Sea City Council has a wealth of information for those struggling with the cost of living crisis and you may be eligible for financial support from them. Please click on the link to be directed to their Cost of Living Support web page. 

You can also look to see if you can get help from your energy supplier by following the link to the Ofgem website - Priority Services Register

Warm Space Hub

Warm Hubs or Warm Spaces are places within the local community where people can be assured of finding a safe, warm and friendly environment in which to enjoy refreshments, social activity, information and advice and the company of other people.

Wesley Methodist Church, Elm Road SS9 1SJ

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am to 4 pm.  Newspapers and books will be provided as well as free tea and coffee for guests and they hope to have advice leaflets available.

St Clements Church, 17 Broadway SS9 1PG

Friday 9.30 am to 11.45 am in the Lady Chapel.  Hot drinks and biscuits provided.

Council Tax Issues

If you are having financial difficulties then Southend-on-Sea City Council website offers information on discounts, exemptions and reliefs.  Click on the links here to find out more

Reduce Your Council Tax Bill

Council Tax Hardship Policy


Mental Health Helplines


If you're worried about your mental health or are concerned for someone you know, help is available.

If you're a child or young person and you're worried about how you feel or about someone you know, help is available for you too, tailored to you.

Here are a number of organisations that are used to speaking to people with similar concerns. It's always good to talk, so if you think you might benefit from some friendly advice, then do have a look at their websites by clicking on the links below:

For everyone

Specifically for young people

Chathealth school nurses

  • relationships
  • drugs
  • bullying
  • alcohol
  • healthy eating
  • mental health and more

Even when school isn't open, you can contact local ChatHealth school nurses, by email, on Twitter (DM)) or by phone (01702 534843) or by text  message.

We do not usually inform your parents, teachers, or anyone else if you contact the school nurse. We might inform someone if we were concerned about your safety, but we would normally speak to you first.

Messages are charged at your normal rate.

Barnardo's Helpline

We are here to help children, young people and families affected by Covid-19 from Black and Asian communities

If you have been affected by the pandemic, worried about covid, concerned about school, lost a loved one and need someone to talk to, you can contact one of our specialist support advisors to talk about it. 

If you’re not sure if we can help, it’s okay to give us a call for free on 0800 1512 605 or talk to us on our webchat. You can tell us about yourself and, if we can’t help you, we’ll find someone who can. Our staff can talk to you in English, Urdu or Hindi.

You can call us or use our Helpline between Monday and Friday 1pm – 8pm.

We can usually help if: 

  • you are over the age of 11,
  • you are from Black and Asian communities,​​​​

We won’t judge you or blame you, whatever you are going through.

Specifically for Older Adults

The Silver Line - helpline for older people

You are not alone. Talk to someone you trust. Sharing a problem is often a good first step to feeling better.

Domestic Abuse Advice

Below is a list of helplines and support services for anyone that is experiencing violence, harm or is fearful for their own or someone else's safety. 

If the situation is an emergency please call 999

Domestic Abuse services: 

  • Leigh-on-Sea Safe Steps 01702 302333 or 0330 3337444 Safe Steps
  •  National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 200 0247
  •  The MensAdvice Line: 0808 801 0327 
  •  The Mix - information and support for under 25s: 0808 808 4994
  •  National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0300 999 5428

Children and families: 

  • Childline: 08001111 
  •  NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
  •  Southend Child protection MASH: 01702 215 007 Monday - Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-4:30pm 
  •  Southend Emergency Duty Team Out of Hours 365 days a year: 0345 606 1212
  •  Southend Adult Social Care: 01702 215 008 
  •  Askal - Safeguarding Adults helpline: 0808 801 0345 


  •  Samaritans (24/7 service) 116 123

Midlife MOT

This is a free website provided by the Department for Work and Pensions.  The aim is to help older workers with financial planning, health guidance and to assess what their skills mean for their careers and futures.  The support is aimed at those between 45 and 65 but you can use it at any age.